Monday, September 10, 2018

Love Is Knowing what hate is doing and how to survive it

Love Is Knowing 
what hate is doing 
and how to survive it .

 “Forgive them Father
 they know not
 what they do!!“ 

One is called to be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

 I think Love shows one how to practically do this and walk in the world circumspectly with this mind. (The mind of Christ?)

 Before I knew
 what I now call love
 there was an existential bare factual existence of Brute Force aliveness.

It was a compulsion to exist.

It was a amoral. 

Pascal writes:
 “Faith tells us 
what the senses do not,
 but not the contrary of what they see;
 it is above, not against them.” 

charlesburchfield / Kim Fabricius Thank you Kim I had not heard of these:

 Tolstoy: “Everything that I understand I understand only because I love.”

 Pascal writes that “Faith tells us what the senses do not, but not the contrary of what they see; it is above, not against them.” 

Above, yes, mysterious and inaccessible, to some degree, with the equipment I have up here in my head and heart, but I think, not unknowable or completely unknowable!! There are many ways to know love, I think, such as feeling, thinking, hearing, touching, smelling, understanding Etc. MHO science is OF love:

1. expressing the relationship between a part and a whole. 
2. expressing the relationship between a scale or
 measure and a value.

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