Relationships like this mean:
“This happened for a reason”,
because they are way too “meaningful” for
that not to be the case.
... usually the narcissist represented some form of “dream” that we would have as a result of being connected to this person...
the “dream”
that we thought our life should be...
(such as this love partner is my true soul mate who I have waited for my entire life)
is smashed to pieces...
through the smashing of the dream
that we awaken from the dream-
-and illusions
of “separation
judgements, demonization of ourselves and others”, and the beliefs that peace,
worth, love and
happiness are obtainable from
outside of ourselves.-when the dream that we thought we were living becomes a literal nightmare that we start to point towards another dream – a dream that is a sustainable reality;
a dream that will work.
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-they came firmly to the conclusion, via a narcissist, that life could no longer go on the way it had been playing out
they opened up to
Higher Realities
– the understandings of
a bigger picture and
the acceptance that there was a reason forwhat happened to them.
-an evolutionary,
liberating reason.
A reason that would finally
set them free …
The gift being so much more
than breaking free from a narcissist,
and the total understanding that the gift always was about surviving and then evolving ourselves and the previous life trajectory we were unconsciously on.
life between lives
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“I don’t know.
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waking up out of old conclusions and beliefs that we thought were previously “it” – if we want to grow.
we are all a
personal macro cosmos
A way out of victimhood:
expanding my
my Inner Identity unconditionally allows anyone to have their own beliefs –
because my Identity is not dependent on whether or not anyone agrees with my life view.
doing your research.
live and let live
-not your job, or your right to persecute
our evolution towards Love
… meaning:
waking up and
realising that whenever we judge anyone (including ourselves) we are withholding love from ourselves and others –
and in effect the entire Field of Life
gets polluted as a result.
-ridiculous notion to think we will all agree, or even should agree.
-any requirement or lack of anything is literally impossible.
-if we put judgement,
division and separation
in front of love and unity,
this is not where we need to be heading.
-When I read information I don’t agree with, I allow it to be. I don’t attack, shame or judge.
I simply move my focus to what resonates with me and leave alone what doesn’t.
That’s the Thriver Model
of unconditional love,
- If I don’t agree, I don’t need to change you …
but I can still love and allow
anyone to live out their life journey directly with the effects of Life / God anyway they choose to.
being stuck in judgment
was one of the most horrendous hooks of narcissistic abuse, which as Thrivers we learnt to evolve beyond.
Naturally …
you will make you
own choices and decisions.
-on this dimension there is no “time”
and in this state of superconscious you just know that.
- “meeting room”
-soul advisors
-in this LBL that Xui and I have been advisors for each other, swapping roles, in many lifetimes
-profound love, and such acceptance
-no judgement, only love and absolute transparency.
No avoidance, hiding or delusions, only pure honesty.
-I also became very aware that as a Soul Energy we chose certain “humans” to merge our consciousness with in particular lifetimes specifically for the purpose of our soul evolution.
-merged with a lady with victim consciousness
-spent lives as an abuser myself
-experiencing it and transcending it.
-releasing our judgments of ourselves and others and waking up out of unconsciousness, and releasing and resolving the inner wounding that either creates us as perpetrators or as victims.
I had sold out my mission because of my neediness to be with a man (co-dependency),
-let myself as well as spiritual templates to evolve humanity, and others, all be destroyed as a result of my poor choices.
-my Soul Group. Here I met with other indigo coloured souls. Souls that were working, as I was, at their missions to help raise consciousness specifically on Earth. Souls who had come from many parts of the physical Universe to converge together on this galactic mission of evolving this planet.
-simultaneously certain things (everything happens simultaneously here),
-Earth had an urgency, and was in a pivotal time of reaching critical mass before ascension. I wanted to do all that I could to help.
-my Mother was anxious, and I could feel her fear and pain, but I stated there was something much more disturbing going on … and this was that I was struggling. I wondered if I had made the right choice.
-feeling the dense heavy energy of Earth
-was terrified that I wasn’t up to the challenge.
- I remember as a child looking around me and thinking, “Why am I here in this terrible place?”
-… I had been an abuser, I had been abused … and my ultimate mission was raising consciousness on this planet.
-levelling my consciousness, that like many of us at this time now on planet Earth, I am doing the work of helping the ascension of the planet.
-not just a personal mission, we are also helping raise the consciousness of everyone and everything we touch. And energetically we are affecting others that we have never physically been in contact with – we are doing this work for the collective.
- “Where do the narcissists fit in?”
-the intention to “find out” and experience the narcissistic truth.
-Nothing can be hidden at all, and telepathically you know everything about the souls you are focusing on, and they you.
-An essence of their soul is always “back home”,
-We are all multi-dimensional and Omni-present. As an aspect of Divinity expressing itself – this is Who We Really Are in all space and time as multiple potential.
-these Souls were polluted, meaning that they had been completely taken over and corrupted by personalities whilst in Earth incarnations. This meant the Souls were tormented to the point of being incapable of evolution and would have been sent back to Oneness for re-absorption and recycling (to be reproduced as a brand new Souls) except there was a purpose for why they weren’t yet.
-They weren’t doing any higher study or learning (as other evolving Souls did), instead they would spend their time conjuring up egoic delusions constantly – such as: “I own the biggest casino”, or “I have the most lovers,” and “I have more money / power / notoriety than you.”
-conjured up one delusion after another and were constantly one-upping each other.
There is a sense of humour back home … truly. We found these poor delusional Souls thinking that their fantasies had “value”, and trying to outdo each other, quite frankly hilarious.
-reason why these contaminated Souls weren’t sent back for recycling to become brand new Souls again … because we were enlisting them.
-would contract with them to match up with us in our lives and abuse us.
-to raise consciousness on the planet required narcissistic abuse in order to do their jobs.
-it was only through being submerged into the absolute bowels of darkness that we could bring Divine Light to darkness and up-level it. Not just for ourselves, but for the entire consciousness of the planet.
-be forced to find out and heal what I needed to heal. Other people in my Soul Group had chosen the identical path of one or more narcissists.
-some souls who have taken on helping raise the consciousness of the planet fall. They may not make it in certain lifetimes. They can be taken over by the victim mentality of the human they merge with, and they may cling to and enmesh with a narcissist until they are destroyed. They may forget Who They Are.
-They may not accept the cues, assistance and sign posts that their Soul and Soul Group back home is tirelessly delivering them to help them wake up. (Messages through intuition that we can only access if self-partnered.)
-Quantum Level work – that works directly at reprogramming our subconscious wounds to a Higher Self state
-people are capable of breakthroughs in timeframes that once upon a time – were not possible.
-dawning of “the age of authenticity” … meaning it’s time to Get Real … to move out from behind our defences and shine the truth of Who We Really Are.
-we are in times of incredible ascension and total necessity for transparency, love and healing.
-attuned and open – will provide a deep resonation that will not only help set you free from the agony of narcissistic abuse, but can also awaken you to the true mission and purpose you have on Earth at this time.
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