CHECKING IN/ the artists way
πΈHow many days this week did you do your morning pages?
πΈHow was the experience for you?
πΈIf you skipped a day, why did you skip it?
πΈDid you do your artist date this week?
πΈWere there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery?
Joseph Campbell The Hero With A Thousand Faces
For those who have not refused the call,
the first encounter of the [hero’s] journey is with a protective figure …
who provides the
adventurer with amulets
against the dragon forces
he is about to pass.
What such a figure represents is the benign, protecting power of destiny.
The fantasy
is a reassurance
—promise that the peace
of Paradise …
is not to be lost; that
it supports the present
and stands in the future
as well as in the past …
[that] protective power is always and ever present within or just behind the unfamiliar features of the world.
One has only to know and trust,
and the ageless guardians will appear.
Having responded to his own call, and continuing to follow courageously as the consequences unfold,
the hero finds all the forces
of the unconscious at his side.
Mother Nature herself supports
the mighty task.
In so far as the hero’s
act coincides with that for
which his society is ready,
he seems to ride on the
great rhythm of the
historical process.
The artist and the hero are working individually and collectively on a “mighty task” supported by Nature & protected by forces, not only of the unconscious, but of the real world, in real time. |
I cross the threshold into a different dimension, a sacred dimension |
I have an
object. But
I don’t know what will appear
I need help. I need
the participation &
aid of forces from
that different plane of reality
I like it. I can relate to it. |
I don’t know.
But I act (in fact I live my life every day) as if it were
in the posture of a soldier, a servant, a supplicant.
Your journey
however humble, however fraught, however beset with thorns and thistles—is part of a noble, cosmic cause. It is not meaningless. It is not in vain.
“the benign, protecting power of destiny,”
the hero, to return to the start of its journey—in other words, the great-circle trajectory of the race arcing home to Eden.
on a collective hero’s journey, then Creation itself is on our side
this great-circle “destiny,” to use Joseph Campbell’s word. That is the wind at our backs.
destiny lies coiled inside you
an active, dynamic, intelligent presence—-endlessly creative, ever-mutating, responsive-in-the-moment—supporting and guiding you as you evolve and advance.
not solely cerebral or abstract, nor is it bound by the limits of your consciousness or your physical body
is connected to forces unconstrained by time and space, by reason or by nature’s laws.
is capable of summoning allies and assistance and of concentrating them on your behalf
imagination—ideas, insights, wisdom, breakthroughs in your life and work—but also practical and material apparitions like friends and allies, connections, places to stay, money.
Flesh-and-blood individuals will enter your life at precisely the time and place you need them
archetypes—mentors and lovers, boon companions, even animal spirits, tricksters—as will corresponding foes and antagonists, tempters and temptresses, enemies, shape-shifters.
promise of change, of passion, of fulfillment and of self-actualization, and they come with the curse of Eden—”henceforth shalt thou eat thy bread in the sweat of thy face”—which mandates unrelenting toil and labor. The struggle never ends. It never gets easier.
Nature has built you for this.
you know nothing of this mandate, or refuse to believe it, or have forgotten it entirely, even if you flat-out reject it, this living force remains vital and irresistible inside you. You cannot run from it. You cannot stand against it. It is more alive inside you than your own blood and more impossible to resist than the urge to survive or to procreate or to find love.
adventure awaits you
you are called.
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