And so here once again I Men & the Life of Desire.. A Talk With Robert Bly, James Hillman & MIchael Mead with some notes from my current life-astro journal.. as I also listen to mythologist Michael Meade the story of "The Horse of Power" from the talk titled 'Men & the Life of Desire'.. from yet another series of talks from Minnesota Men's Conference with Robert Bly & James Hillman..
Meanwhile it’s now 2.22pm.. & here I am having just found myself having finished having a long dialog out loud with myself on the Senex-Puer conflict in my life at this time..
also leading me back to listen to the start of the talk from the Minnesota Men’s Conference once again titled ‘Men & the Life of Desire’.. a series of talks with Robert Bly, James Hillman & Michael Meade reading from the poetry of Yates, Rumi, Ethridge Knight & William Blake..
along with all of this with my earlier having spoken the quote by William Blake from this same talk, ie. “Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than live with or nurse unacted or unexpressed desire”..
also having recalled my experience as a 23 year old being terrified of having to do a talk in front of a room full of local businessmen & Rotarians after doing a Youth Leadership Camp, having decided not to write anything down, but simply to speak spontaneously on whatever came to me in the moment about my experience..
ending up with my spontaneously speaking about the importance of the relationship between fathers & sons..
or perhaps it was also really about importance in general of the relationship between men & boys, since one’s father may not be around for example..
And maybe, as they say, its never too late to learn or educate Oneself even if one is an older man, yet the boy remains within us all eternally..
actually also being the very Puer Spirit within.. the eternal youth within, that remains our very source of all vitality,(vanity) desire, passion & creative imagination in our lives..
When do we stop learning or acknowledging this truth, that is the real question..
relating to the immense importance of the archetypal Puer-Senex relationship, that is necessary to a full & purposeful life..
the eternal youth & the old man need to remain in constant dialog & keep teaching & talking to each other..
also pointing back to the talk with James Hillman on ‘Fathering the Boy Inside’..
also relating back to my previous blog on all of this..
James Hillman’s talk from the Minnesota Men’s Conference titled *‘Fathering the Boy Inside’.. an in-depth talk on the boy inside each of us, and lays out strategies to acknowledge, to co-exist, and ultimately to father the immature part of ourselves—and turn it instead into a source of passionate energy.. at
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