Sunday, November 24, 2019

Art Therapy Group/edit

Art Therapy Group

Process / recovery

Creative expression/tools 
 explore and give voice to  emotional experiences

🌻help one to move forward 

beyond distress 
🌻help to move toward 
🌻integrate trauma

🌻find relief from symptoms/suffering

process of artistic production;

-provides a nonverbal language
-allows one to represent one's feelings without the limits of a spoken vocabulary
-engaging one's senses.
- introduces one to inspiration
-explore/experience the benefits of creative freedom 
-discover new ways of healing.

Therapeutic Value;

-an outlet for feelings
too overwhelming to adequately verbalize, 

-Discovery of tools to articulate these experiences visually in a supportive space

-exploration of alternatives to emotional expression/for one who
has difficulty opening up in traditional therapy

-minimizes the problems with impaired/delayed/damaged social skills

-creative work may be profoundly liberating

-encouragement to follow one's own artistic / emotional instincts. 

-finding value in
the creative process and intent.
A productive Art Therapy 
Group includes:

-Externalizing your feelings in a tangible way 

-gaining insight into your own psychological state.

-Relieving painful emotions in a creative manner.

-Becoming cognizant of feelings you were unaware you had 

-uncovering obstacles to healing.

-Using your artistic production as a springboard for conversation and connection.

-Feeling understood and validated by both your therapist and your peers, 

-expanding your ability to communicate.

-Enhanced confidence, 
-concentration (cognitive abilities returning) as you explore your creative potential and give form to your emotional state (improves adapts /adjusts /regulates.)

When we view art, our brains
 release dopamine, the same 
chemical that is released 
when people fall in love creating feelings of;


Engaging with art;

-the opportunity
to experience 
innate healing abilities of one's brain

-experience well-being even as you explore distressing topics.

-adds tremendous value to the therapeutic process. 

(What kind of value?)

-artistically experiment and share in a way that is meaningful to you within a supportive, accepting atmosphere. 

-experience the benefits of your own creative endeavors/  bear witness to the artistic process of others,

-can spark ideas, 

-relieve feelings of isolation, 

-offer new perspectives that help you on your journey to healing. 

-form bonds with your peers

-gives you a sense of belonging to a community of healing

The insights you gain in art therapy can immediately be integrated in the larger treatment picture as you can take your discoveries and apply them to your work in other modalities, fully benefiting from the possibilities afforded by an immersive therapeutic environment.

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