Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What, are you creating? /edit

WHAT! Are you creating?

🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 The indifference 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

you showed a 
fellow soul
 is the same
 you'll encoun-ter
 one day. Is this
 what you want?


Indifference is violence / 
actually a violent action.

Give to life / be nurturing

Take from Life /
 the impulse is violent

If you decide that another's suffering is none of your business don't think that your
rational-izations will protect / prevent you from being affected by your evil.


Every moment on earth is 
school is
 valid and fair.

If you use your rationalization / realizations of this to ignore the suffering of your brothers and sisters you create a world in which you
you're suffering also is of no concern to others.

If you decide  another's suffering 
is none of your business don't think that your un-derstanding of karma will permit your act of callousness to pass without affecting you.
Every choice you make creates experiences that you will encounter. That is karma.

Getting involved doesn't mean judging. 
You may feel righteously angry at a sexual predator but beware if you do. You do not know enough to judge this act or any other.
You don't know what is be-
ing healed or coming to completion. Molester and molested may be exchang-
ing roles that were played 
in another lifetime. It's not your call to be a judge or a jury. If you decide to take 
on these roles you create painful karma for yourself. 

You don't like being judged. Judge not lest you be judged.Do you have the courage to protect without judging?

 Can you be com-passionate even to those who have no compassion? 

If so there is no fin-er, Karma you can create. you will have a world that is compassionate with you even when you forget to be compassionate you will be supported when you are weak until you have regained your strength. You Will Be Loved even if you forget to love.

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