Wednesday, November 27, 2019

as I got older (and further into my “second childhood)

Answered on quora;
My Aspergers reared its ugly head again as I entered my “second childhood” at the age of 45. It affected me as a boy, but no one knew what it was in the 1950s. It settled down through Uni, and died down for most of my working life.

What one must accept is that it is a PERSONAL struggle - with advice and understanding from professionals and, hopefully, sympathy from relatives and friends. No one else, nor medication alone, can fix our problem.

my mood swings from normal behaviour (minor depression) to high (hyperactivity) got worse, and more difficult to control, as I got older (and further into my “second childhood)

Relax, in as many different ways as possible. Relaxation Breathing is good at any time - in bed, in the bath, if you feel a panic attack coming on, if you are going to do something you know will be hard …

Calm your extremes, ie the hypers, anxieties, depressions & panic attacks. Use Aromatherapy Oils such as Vervain (Verbena), Lavender, ‘Balance’ blend or Sandalwood.

then dan a few drops on your palms, wrists or chest, and breathe in the relaxing fumes for five minutes, or when you get into bed.

Drink relaxing herbal teas, such as Verbena (also know as Vervain, Verveine or Louisa tea), Camomile (often with Lemongrass and/or other calming herbs)

Whenever you sense a high, or a depression coming on, a panic attack developing, or that you are going to get “carried away” or overexcited, take a natural homeopathic/herbal calming capsule or effervescent tablet in a glass of water

As far as I have been able to deduce, the related syndromes of Bi-Polarism, Aspergers and the even lower-level Boutomania (an undocumented less-serious behavioural trait affecting many nationalities, esp in the Levant and Americas), seem to be caused by the brain’s inability to discern certain things properly, nor to differentiate between extremes in those things. In my case it is “social niceties”, excitement and anxiety, and temptation that I have always found most difficult.

rest assured that Nature HAS compensated you, with superior intelligence, and a few other talents or skills that most folk do not have! Reading up on it on the Internet gives lots of clues as to where your BP or Aspies comes from, and how better to deal with it; it is a very PERSONAL thing, and it generally takes years to control it and achieve a balance in life. But some folk, especially girls, manage to control it naturally, without realising what they are doing …

Take heart, and Good Luck!


My Aspergers reared its ugly head again as I entered my “second childhood” at the age of 45. It affected me as a boy, but no one knew what it was in the 1950s. It settled down through Uni, and died down for most of my working life.

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