Wednesday, November 27, 2019

When do relationships with people with borderline personality disorder start to fall apart?

When do relationships with people with borderline personality disorder start to fall apart?

In the beginning of the relationship everything is intensely magical, beautiful, surreal.

Then there is a shift.

The person she/he thought they were with…isn’t the same.

They fear that the person isn’t interested anymore.

The Splitting happens…

The once magical relationship has now shifted into a relationship of deceit, betrayal, manipulation, and lies.

This is what the person with BPD now sees.

This isn’t necessarily the truth, but they will unconsciously make it the truth.

By overreacting to a small arguments, accusing the partner of cheating, and possibly starting a physical fight.

People with BPD have an innate fear that the relationship will fail, and lack the understanding of what love really is.

They will unconsciously sabotage a relationship out of fear of losing a partner

they will hate their partner in their minds and say that they love them.

the fear to them is very real.

Nothing connects and they are not just splitting their reality, they are also splitting inside.

Inside the mind is a scared little child afraid that their love will soon walk away.

In order to protect themselves they will end this on their own —
behaving in ways that push their partner away.

As I have BPD and even thought it’s kicked my ass many times, I now find it to be one of the most amazing parts of myself.

not all relationships will end in deceit and/or betrayal, that love is so much more than this.

It’s about surrendering to my feelings — listening to them and understanding that there is a part of me that needs and deserves unconditional love.

The way out is to LOVE yourself.

Be yourself, and DON’T fall into a relationship so deeply that you don’t know who you are anymore.

Maintain your autonomy and keep your passions.

we will all be able to ride this wave of life without worry and fear.

Love yourself, love what you do, and be grateful for everything you are.

as I got older (and further into my “second childhood)

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