Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When you’ve done everything that should to try to recover ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔

When you’ve done everything that should 
to try to recover 
you can feel it coming back on you, creeping up and waiting to pounce. When it does you’re just left sitting and thinking ‘ I did everything right’

 you lose interest in

that used to bring
used to even the 
slightest bit of joy
weaving  it's way into every aspect of your life

you won’t 
who you are anymore. 

self is mostly gone. replaced w/something you won’t want to face.

Crashing like a wave, drowning you. Rising up like a tornado, throwing you around, you can't escape.

I'm in prison without a crime
The sentence stretches on undefined

But hold on tight. Focus on tomorrow
you'll have to borrow Images and mind 
and friends you left behind Focus 
on today, you'll find a way.
Happiness is how rooting in the now
The line is in the sand, the flag is 
planted the long 
night's over and 
the sun's coming up

Originally performed by Trey Anastasio

depression in one of 
its various forms (anhedonia)

My personal decision was that anhedonia was such an intolerable condition that dealing with it became all important, all other goals and ambitions became distant seconds. What good are time, money, friends, etc, of you literally can't enjoy them? It's a crisis of the first order.


The best thing you can ever do is be accountable for everything you do and hold them accountable.

 If you say you’ll do this or that, do it. Don’t make promises you can’t keep

 or if you aren’t sure say that you aren’t sure.

 Have a strong ”no”, “let me get back to you after I think about that”…

So her boundary she set without even saying it was to never spring things on her last minute. It’s good to do that even if you don’t need time to think.

i mess things up all lot too. Break things, forget things, put things in the wrong place or whatever..

She gives me a way to make up for anything. The boundary there is me taking accountability. She requires that.

those relationships calm the paranoia

Overwhelming feelings of loneliness and isolation🍁

it’s just not possible to engage in connections with people from a place of emptiness and general not-wellbeing. 

what I’m trying to ask here is for people to share with me their stories of getting out of the hole they dug for themselves, even when they were sure they were already way too far gone.
when we spend too much time alone, we fall into various dysfunctional habits and behaviors - rumination, self-loathing, obsessive and critical thinking, and unbearable feelings of loneliness, which, sadly, only perpetuate the desire to isolate. To break out of the hole, you must make small changes that in time, lead to bigger ones.
🌹/a step by step guide on how to get back into life both physically and mentally. Sometimes it’s the simplest of things that make the biggest difference….

Get some sunshine.

Write. Free the thoughts spiraling around in your mind

Release them. Destroy them. Burn them if you wish.

Help. Find someone in your life who needs your help. 

It can be as small as leaving a bigger tip to a person who serves you. 

come into contact with people. 

Try to really see them. Smile.

Add something positive, however small, to someone in your world.

If you cannot read an entire book, read a page, blog online, or posts on Quora.

 Seek out positive voices with positive thoughts and fill your mind with those.

Practice self-care.
Drink water. Eat well.

Maintain your appearance in the best way you can. 

doing something small consistently will reap huge benefits over time.

Give yourself some grace.

a herculean task/ 
 a universe of unique struggles within each of us. 

You are not alone in your struggle/
 you alone are uniquely suited to face and overcome them.

small steps/
but do something.

“When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.” Creighton Abrams🌹


At least I’m out of the house and I have to get dressed and look decent. I try. I fight it. It is so so hard.


As we age, these defects become more pronounced and debilitItating

it's very difficult to fight an illness/disorder that resides within.

Awareness of the root-cause is step one

Being your own worst enemy is an incredibly bad place to be. 

With fortitude and perseverance, I believe you can course correct. 

The only thing that makes me feel even the slightest bit of joy is sleeping

I’m only ever on autopilot 

 I’m not anything but a hermit in my own room

I can never have an actual conversation with anyone over this
 without being looked down upon or criticized… 

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