Friday, November 9, 2018

jekylldoc / Matthew reply to Matthew Edit

Why John 3:16 Isn’t About The Crucifixion

jekylldoc / Matthew
... if you think about what martyrdom means (willingness to die for the truth, even if we are not willing to kill for it) it is a kind of logical conclusion to the notion that our inner state is what God cares about and works with.πŸ’Ÿ

Jesus recognized (in my view) that God was not seeking to establish by force some compulsion for people to do right by each other. 

πŸ’Ÿ To move the love of the band of friends up to a political level by the astonishing act of confronting the Romans with his kingship so that as Messiah he would be "defeated". πŸ’Ÿ

(And then God provided the resurrection as vindication.) 

❀️What stronger statement could be made that "the Kingdom of God is within you."? ❀️

And that faithfulness to true godly values is 

... the path to transformation?πŸ‘

πŸ’˜... Paul's vision of the resurrected Jesus on the Damascus Road, except that he had seen another martyr die with forgiveness on his lips, according to Acts.❀️

❀️ He seems to have seen the passion and resurrection as a means of salvation for the Gentiles, a drama so compelling, one might say, that it took the place of the Jewish devotion to Torah as a means of transformation.❀️

His interpretation in terms of the grace of God is a great gift to everyone, 

πŸ’”a transformative perspective in itself, but one following logically from God's interest in our inner state rather than our outward compliance.πŸ’”

That the news of Jesus would also lead to salvation of individuals and of the whole of creation is part of his message. 

πŸ’ŸI think only later did the judgment messages get turned into an individualized salvation, all too convenient for the power play by the official church.

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