Friday, December 21, 2018

CHECKING IN/ December 21st 2018

CHECKING IN/ the artists way

1.How many days this week did you do your 
morning pages?


 How was the experience for you? If you skipped a day, why did you skip it?


2.Did you do your artist date this week? [Yes, yes, and it was awful.] What did you do? How did it feel?


3.Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them

I was sick this morning. The sore throat. Not feeling well gave me a pause am I almost felt self pity but I started working on my blog and checking out a few other blogs. I wrote something on the blog. It was a beginning. Then I went and worked on Thomas Merton quotes on the blog. Combining it with pictures. My days aren't really days they're more like night / days. I did some work last night I was really happy with and put it on the blog. It's a combination of some of my favorite artists. Using their pictures to illustrate my words. This morning I woke up with a longing to make art but felt too weak sick. I rested and felt a little bit guilty about that since it was such a beautiful sunny day. If I was well I'd be out on my scooter. So a bit of grief and loss tossed Into The Guilt Trip. Oh well I threw it off finally. Good for me!!

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