Thursday, December 27, 2018

CHECKING IN/ the artists way December 27th 18

CHECKING IN/ the artists way

πŸ”ΈHow many days this week did you do your morning pages


πŸ”ΈHow was the experience for you?


πŸ”ΈIf you skipped a day, why did you skip it?

I got interested in other stuffπŸ”Ή
πŸ”ΈDid you do your artist date this week?


πŸ”ΈWere there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery?

πŸ‘πŸ”Ή πŸ”ΈDescribe them.


Those of us who get bogged down by fear before action are usually being sabotaged by an older enemy, shame. Shame is a controlling device. 

Shaming someone is an attempt to prevent the person from behaving in a way that embarrasses us.🌱

shame handed down
 to us by 
unwitting family members and 
 β€œWhat do you think you’re doing?!” your trainer shrieks at you as you struggle to control an excited horse.
How dare you not instinctively know how to handle a strange horse? 
How dare you try out competitions when you ride for a Classical Master? 
How dare you take fifteen years to get to Grand Prix? 
How dare you work with a Natural Horsemanship clinician? 
How dare you say someone’s being too rough with their horse?
Art brings healing.🌱

Often we are wrongly shamed as creatives. πŸ’”From this shaming we learn that we are wrong to create. Once we learn this lesson, we forget it instantly. Buried under it doesn’t matter, the shame lives on, waiting to attach itself to our new efforts.πŸ’”
This is why many great riders never make it beyond the basics. πŸ’”

Does this mean no criticism? No. It means learning where and when to seek out right criticism.🌱 
As artists, we must learn when criticism is appropriate and from whom. 🌱

It often takes another artist to see the embryonic work that is trying to sprout. The inexperienced or harsh critical eye, instead of nurturing the shoot of art into being, may shoot it down instead.🌱

be firm with yourself and refuse to pick up the first doubt.🌱

take action: β€œYou are a good artist, a brave artist, you are doing well. It’s good that you did the work . . .β€πŸŒ±

Take to heart that the antidote to shame is self-love and self-praise🌱

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