Thursday, December 27, 2018

CHECKING IN/ the artists way 12/31/18πŸ”Έ

CHECKING IN/ the artists way

πŸ”ΈHow many days this week did you do your morning pages?

πŸ”ΈHow was the experience for you?

πŸ”ΈIf you skipped a day, why did you skip it?

πŸ”ΈDid you do your artist date this week?

πŸ”ΈWere there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery?

πŸ”ΈDescribe them.


Growth is not a steady,
 linear process. 

It is circularπŸ’”

 even as you move forwards you 
are also beginning to move 
 as you are moving backwards you 
are also beginning to move 
Creative recovery is a healing 

 You are capable of 

great things on Tuesday, 

but on Wednesday you

 may slide backwards.

 This is normal.πŸ’”

 Growth occurs is spurts.
 You will lie dormant sometimes. 
Do not be discouraged. Think of 
it as resting.πŸ’”

Very often, a week of insights 

will be followed by a week of 


 The morning pages
 will seem pointless. They 

are not
What you are learning to do, 
writing them even when you are 
tired and they seem dull, is to 
rest on the page.πŸ’”

 This is very 
important. Marathon runners 

suggest you log ten slow miles 

for every fast one. The same 

holds true for creativity.πŸ’”

β€œEasy accomplishes it.” πŸ’”

doing one kind thing for
every day,πŸ’”. 

 you will begin to notice a 
slight lightness of heart.πŸ’”

Practice being kind to yourself 
in small, concrete ways.πŸ’”

You don’t have to keep 
More than anything else, 
experiment with solitude.πŸ’”

Try to acquire the habit of 
checking in with yourself. πŸ’”

ask yourself how you are feeling.
 Listen to your answer.
 Respond kindly.πŸ’”

 If you are doing something 

very hard promise yourself a 

break and a treat afterward.πŸ’”

Yes, baby yourself. Leave being 
you will be more productive when 
coaxed than when bullied.πŸ’”
Growth is not a steady,
 linear process. 
It is circularπŸ’”

You don’t have to keep 

you will be more productive when coaxed than when bullied.πŸ’”

rest on the page.πŸ’”

ask yourself how you are feeling. Listen to your answer.
 Respond kindly.πŸ’”

experiment with solitude.πŸ’”

If you are doing something very 
hard, promise yourself a break 
and a treat afterward.πŸ’”

Very often, a week of 
insights will be followed by
 a week of sluggishness. πŸ’”

Practice being kind 
to yourself in 
small concrete ways.πŸ’”

Even as you move forwards you are 
also beginning to move backwards. 
As you are moving backwards you 
are also beginning to move forwards.

You are capable of 
great things on Tuesday, 
but on Wednesday you
 may slide backwards.
 This is normal.πŸ’”

β€œEasy accomplishes it.” πŸ’”

 If you are doing something 
very hard promise yourself a 
break and a treat afterward.πŸ’”

Creative recovery is

 a healing process. πŸ’”

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