God fills the whole world, the whole of everything, but displaces no one.
God fills the whole world, the whole of everything (including) all rivalry and competition. MHO he uses that for his purposes!!
The prophet:... /he is someone who has lived a lie and been submerged in a culture of a lie (that) has evolved from literal collective violence over and against a person or group to the social, political, religious and economic violence that exploits, displaces, and continues to kill some for the profit, comfort, and sense of worth of others.
My query: (systemically) why do we keep creating victims.?
I like this. I have come to understand that:
/Your (my) worth has nothing to do with the standards of the world that have pushed (me) you aside.”
I want you (& can use you) because you are not among the “worthy.” our (my) worth has nothing to do with the standards of the world that have pushed (me) aside.”... they (the disciples) won’t be gloating in (worldly) success.
They (we) are disciples – students – with much to learn, and the learning is in the following itself.
(we will learn to)... know ourselves not over and against others, but with each-other. It is a life where we will discover how much more we can be when we make space for the full potential of our neighbors to flourish. It is a life that rejects enmity, embraces the spark of God’s love within every human being, and nurtures that love to create a world which we can now barely imagine.(!)
Jesus is the embodiment of a bigger God – a God beyond rivalry and competition, beyond systems of marginalization and displacement. Beyond all we could wish for ourselves which would set us apart from others, beyond all material blessings or answered prayers for wealth or status or power.../
The human race has been be created by a God that says through the prophet Isaiah:
10 (I,God, have made)... the heart of this people dull,
5 and their ears heavy,
and blind their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.”
Untill what will happen?
/Until cities lie waste
without inhabitant,
and houses without people,
and the land is a desolate waste,
12 and the Lord removes people far away,
and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
13 And though a tenth remain in it,
it will be burned
6 again,
like a terebinth or an oak,
whose stump kremains
when it is felled.”
The holy seed
7 is its stump.
Quiery: what is his point in doing this?
The god of our own imaginations, of Empire and national pride are destroyed along with our bodies and resources ...
so that... /Jesus (way) is (acknowledged as the embodiment) of a bigger God – a God beyond rivalry and competition, beyond systems of marginalization and displacement. Beyond all we could wish for ourselves which would set us apart from others, beyond all material blessings or answered prayers for wealth or status or power.../
The remnants left come to this tortured conclusion with a new Heaven and Earth restored? Well if it happens good!! In the meantime we face the destruction of Heaven and Earth and the whole human race!! Our situation is one of a provisional existence of unknown limit / Viktor Frankl. It provokes anxiety!
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