Monday, December 10, 2018

Knowing Our Source Monday, December 10, 2018 Thomas Merton Day edit

Knowing Our Source

Monday, December 10, 2018

Thomas Merton Day

Contemplation is the highest expression of [human] intellectual and spiritual life. It's life itself, awake, active, aware
 that it's alive.πŸ’”

 It is 

awe at the 

 spontaneous wonder, awareness of life, 

of being. It is gratitude for life. 
It is a vivid 
of the fact that
life & being in us proceed from an 
invisible, transcendent, infinitely 

abundant Source. πŸ’”

Contemplation is 
awareness of the 
reality of that 
origination- 🌈. 
It knows the 

inexplicably w/a

certitude that goes both beyond 
reason  simple faith... 

Contemplation is

of the transcendent
 God. It knows God by 
seeming to touch Him
It knows Him as if one

had been invisibly 

touched by Him. . .πŸ’”

 God is pure Reality the source of 

all that is real! Accordingly

Contemplation is a sudden gift 

of awareness, an awakening to 

the Real within all that is real.πŸ’”

A vivid awareness 
of infinite Being at 
the roots of our 
own limited being.
 An awareness of our 
contingent reality as
received as a present
 from God, as free gift
 This is the existential contact of which we

 speak when we use the metaphor
 of beingβ€œtouched by God.”

Contemplation is the response to a call 
 from Him who has no voice. He speak 
 in everything that 

is & He most of all
speaks/ the depth
 of our own being: 

for we ourselves 
are words of His.πŸ’”

 We are words 
that are meant 

to respond to, 
to answer, to 
echo, in some
 way to contain
 and signify Him.

 Contemplation is this echo. It is the deep 
resonance in the inmost 

center of our spirit. Our
 life loses its separate 

voice & resounds w/ the 
majesty and mercy of the

 hidden Living One. πŸ’”

The only true joy on earth is to escape 

from the prison of our ownfalse self, & 

enter by love into 
union w/ the Life 

who dwells and 
sings within the 
essence of all
 creatures & in the core of our own souls. 

 In His love we possess all things & 
enjoy fruition of them, finding Him in 
them all. As we go about the 
world, everything we meet, 
 see, hear and touch, far from 
defiling, purifies us

 and plants in us
  something more of
 contemplation & 

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